
Permanentum provides programmable and guaranteed storage for Cardano based Web3 projects by utilizing proven, decentralized storage networks like Filecoin.It ensures your IPFS CIDs will be resolvable forever by issuing perpetual storage contracts on an SC secured storage market.

How does it work?

Permanentum is a Cardano DeFi protocol that creates Filecoin storage contracts for IPFS CIDs to ensure the liveness of your data (eg: NFT images).You create a Storage Bond on Cardano that StorageProviders can use to fund storage contracts for your data on Filecoin.This happens in perpetuity and three contracts from different providers are live at any given moment. This guarantees that your data will be retrievable as long as the endowment contains funds.Think of it like an IPFS pinning service but with the capability to be extremely decentralized and completely driven from within Cardano.You can use this service to guarantee the liveness of your favorite NFTs, offchain consensus details (think unrolled rollups) or even whole NFT policies can be made permanent with just one storage bond.

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Dev Report #4

catalyst, collabs and returning to the keyboardDevelopment
After doing a quick Plutus V2 refresher (I last touched plutus in 2021), the Smart contract development has started. There is a, still quite basic, cabal project right now that builds the smart contract. The contract itself still needs a lot of work, I am mostly modelling datatypes right now. I haven't wrapped my head around how to drive the contract yet. Theoretically the easiest solution would be to integrate it into the web backend (a servant web server) but having a dedicated application backend might also be an option. The architecture still needs to mature.
On the other hand, indexing onchain state with oura seems pretty straightforward and will land in the repo soon.
The previously mentioned outreach has born fruit.
Not only have collaboration initiatives with Orcfax and Iagon materialized that will make all parties better, but there also are integration options with NFT minting services (NMKR) and web3 gaming (paima) that are on the table.
Check out the Fund 10 proposals:
Iagon x Permanentum
Orcfax x Permanentum
No updates here


Dev Report #3

vacation time for the past two weeks so not much happenedOutreach
Talked with a variety of Cardano Project leads about Collaborations and integrations and started working on the Hydra use case for permanentum.
Look at this nice description of how permanentum Storage Bonds work!

Link: Permanenum Storage Bond Lifecycle


Dev Report #2

- Added ops configurations for IPFS and scripts to persist and retrieve CIDs directly from an IPFS node. This was more work than intended as all the documentation on it is scattered around GH issues right now.
Other Dev Work
- Defined the UX for creating Permanence Bonds for Cardano Assets (see embeded wireframe at the bottom).
- Talked with other developers about Cardano indexers and tried out Ogmios and Oura. It seems like the grunt of the work will be taken by Oura V1.
- Contacting Web Designers in order to get a professional, good looking design out of the gate.
- Various discussions on Filecoin Slack to get to grips with the current testnets
- Configured the Permanentum space in discord and linked permanentum repo to a channel there.
- Submitted a pull request to be added to ProofOfCardano

Flow: Creating a Permanence Bond


Dev Report #1

Finished the rewrite of the filecoin local setup. It can be run and bootstrapped just by setting the NET env mainnet or calibnet. The defaults are for the compose project to start in the testnet configuration (preprod on Cardano and calibnet for Filecoin)
Project repo: evolute-software/permanentum
Other Dev Work
Made progress on the plutus smart contract state machine for Permanence Bonds. (see embed below
Expand site to include a blog (what you are reading right now) and branch of the FAQ section to its own part.

State Machine: Permanence Bond


We got funded!!!

To all Ada holders that voted for the Permanentum development!
We now are officially C8 funded project No: 800185Work is scheduled to resume in September
PoC GoLive is curerntly scheduled for Oct 15 2022
Thank you everybody for the patience. It turned out I needed to take care of personal things that delayed my return to Cardano work. I am happy to announce that I am back working on this project a day or two every week!
Cheers, k

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a comic explaining how this works?!?


Direct link

Who runs this service?

Currently Evolute.Software. But there are plans to open up registrations for PersistenceProviders and make it completely decentralized

Is this open source?

Yes. The software can be found on the github repo.

How does this compare to CoTo token or Iagon?

Permanentum is built to be a decentralized and programmable layer for off-chain storage on Cardano. While the low hanging fruit usecase is the one of storing off-chain NFT media you can do much more with permanentum. For example, you can add a Permanentum StorageEndownment to the transaction history of a Hydra head to ensure the whole history of how the result was achieved will be preserved. Another case is creating StorageBonds for a complete NFT policy pre-mint. This way you ensure as a publisher of NFTs that the media you publish will be preserved for posterity. Furthermore Permanentum is a DeFi protocol. The ada you invest in StorageBonds is counted as network TVL and you own controll over each bond so you can liquidate it at any time and get back the remaining funds.